# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 201828 172222 214017 172222 01:01:39.19 85:59:33.0 01:05:57.22 86:01:44.8 E box 362278 380427 361597 408465 13:43:43.73 89:03:45.7 14:24:35.65 89:10:23.8 O box 810530 504350 798012 504429 04:16:30.31 83:41:27.6 04:13:35.68 83:43:18.7 O box 201396 172249 214149 172103 01:01:30.42 85:59:27.7 01:05:58.82 86:01:48.9 O box 879314 21000 950000 24000 07:39:32.18 85:49:00.4 07:20:43.47 85:29:23.6 O box 881173 10000 950000 22297 08:22:31.03 85:59:58.8 08:36:54.62 85:36:03.3 O box 203775 477673 215208 477117 04:16:37.46 83:41:37.9 04:19:19.29 83:43:09.8