# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E cir 423470 767800 12000 12:27:54.66 69:28:41.7 302.0 E cir 467530 682410 15000 12:31:20.41 70:03:51.0 377.5 E cir 483210 648240 13000 12:32:36.54 70:17:51.0 327.2 E box 881560 20780 925000 24040 13:13:24.12 74:20:26.7 13:17:39.35 74:15:53.0 O cir 468020 682400 20000 12:31:22.77 70:03:51.3 503.4 O box 883850 20000 925000 28620 13:13:38.64 74:20:35.8 13:17:34.06 74:14:02.3