# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 878571 10000 950000 32318 15:16:55.64 68:39:41.5 15:21:58.83 68:26:32.8 E box 10000 10000 222040 28635 14:11:32.99 68:39:07.8 14:27:32.04 68:40:14.6 O box 877058 10000 950000 31172 15:16:48.88 68:39:46.3 15:21:59.60 68:27:00.7 O box 10000 10000 220214 29065 14:11:32.99 68:39:07.8 14:27:23.97 68:40:01.0 O box 618664 910551 618737 894148 15:45:54.53 62:44:39.5 15:45:56.98 62:51:22.6 O box 868186 129347 883889 129219 16:06:11.28 67:56:15.7 16:07:19.36 67:55:32.0