# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 887687 10000 950000 27612 19:36:07.15 69:08:57.9 19:40:38.56 68:58:10.3 E box 591475 267806 589962 295147 19:12:35.69 67:33:56.4 19:12:24.70 67:22:45.4 E box 720746 546327 720852 538100 19:20:25.86 65:36:57.1 19:20:28.57 65:40:18.9 O box 876891 10000 950000 31865 18:43:19.12 69:04:02.3 18:48:36.38 68:51:05.7 O box 885764 10000 950000 28364 19:35:58.37 69:09:04.2 19:40:38.04 68:57:52.0 O box 589199 266237 614721 261678 19:12:26.18 67:34:37.2 19:14:16.68 67:36:03.1 O box 611244 260559 649583 263484 19:14:01.95 67:36:34.4 19:16:46.03 67:34:35.4 O box 720816 546390 721855 528710 19:20:26.12 65:36:55.4 19:20:35.18 65:44:07.8 O box 49138 558809 39846 559289 18:36:04.95 65:26:42.7 18:35:28.71 65:26:06.4 O box 556110 513879 546720 513827 19:09:35.41 65:53:30.7 19:08:57.73 65:53:37.8 O box 718200 740061 707053 740235 19:19:25.32 64:17:43.7 19:18:43.23 64:17:57.0 O box 269367 632748 279001 632645 08:35:52.51 64:30:20.9 08:36:29.15 64:30:36.0