# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 879848 10000 950000 25117 15:07:21.65 62:41:05.5 15:11:24.59 62:31:53.8 E box 606591 494906 606332 503919 14:50:10.09 59:29:50.5 14:50:08.34 59:26:09.0 O cir 675355 376556 22911 13:26:38.20 60:12:20.2 576.7 O box 879335 10000 950000 26518 15:07:19.83 62:41:06.7 15:11:24.02 62:31:19.5 O box 785075 353481 785075 364969 15:00:17.36 60:24:02.0 15:00:14.69 60:19:20.1 O box 244825 353950 244656 361452 14:30:21.78 60:26:51.9 14:30:22.30 60:23:47.3 O box 887174 10000 950000 31728 11:30:07.81 62:33:30.1 11:33:42.25 62:22:10.4