# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 425920 551125 450578 531643 15:23:49.38 59:08:44.9 15:25:08.24 59:16:45.5 E box 450578 530446 465744 533493 15:25:08.24 59:17:14.9 15:25:56.90 59:15:59.2 O cir 675355 376556 22911 13:26:38.20 60:12:20.2 576.7 O box 883355 10000 950000 23179 15:50:57.68 62:41:51.6 15:54:49.04 62:33:35.0 O box 425062 549955 425135 570787 15:23:46.62 59:09:13.6 15:23:47.17 59:00:41.1 O box 392279 100440 405102 100112 15:21:43.63 62:13:25.6 15:22:28.72 62:13:37.2