# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 819963 742714 807671 746172 07:21:04.20 51:59:19.4 07:20:31.04 51:58:10.8 E box 560672 820617 569548 813066 07:09:30.80 51:31:06.3 07:09:54.50 51:34:08.6 E box 884031 10000 950000 23994 19:30:38.03 63:07:41.9 19:34:29.76 62:59:03.3 O box 882497 10000 950000 26341 07:26:14.25 56:57:21.5 07:29:32.17 56:48:26.7 O box 27362 183346 40494 186031 06:44:01.96 55:45:50.6 06:44:40.70 55:45:09.0 O box 386046 627124 398154 621888 07:01:44.35 52:50:30.5 07:02:17.06 52:52:42.8 O box 744158 248089 758607 235041 07:18:44.63 55:23:24.1 07:19:28.18 55:28:27.2 O box 879302 10000 950000 25058 19:30:20.97 63:07:53.6 19:34:29.31 62:58:37.3