# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 884861 10000 950000 28554 08:54:44.33 50:45:17.4 08:57:29.60 50:36:03.5 O box 879104 10000 950000 31919 08:20:17.38 50:54:18.3 08:23:17.61 50:43:34.9 O box 882769 10000 950000 24805 08:54:38.91 50:45:20.3 08:57:30.24 50:37:35.5 O box 924193 376428 887322 380596 08:55:29.94 48:14:27.2 08:53:58.77 48:13:35.8 E box 668214 403132 679826 403246 07:37:31.19 48:15:04.8 07:37:59.76 48:14:54.2