# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 875352 10000 950000 28618 15:49:16.49 44:46:46.5 15:52:05.94 44:37:24.2 E box 10000 10000 213140 24666 15:15:57.38 44:47:56.3 15:23:47.35 44:44:47.7 O box 874140 10000 950000 28790 15:49:13.70 44:46:48.0 15:52:05.92 44:37:20.0 O box 10000 10000 214719 25554 15:15:57.38 44:47:56.3 15:23:51.04 44:44:26.7