# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 888455 10000 950000 34982 17:47:57.97 45:05:07.4 17:50:17.11 44:53:27.6 E box 141469 10000 216845 24434 17:19:02.98 45:08:11.4 17:21:58.87 45:03:09.4 O box 882319 10000 950000 30940 17:47:43.74 45:05:15.3 17:50:17.68 44:55:06.9 E cir 802310 277710 17000 17:15:35.78 43:11:22.8 427.9