# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 880977 10000 950000 35289 23:11:06.36 39:41:32.4 23:13:30.88 39:30:00.7 E cir 875388 26168 1000 23:10:53.17 39:35:00.0 25.2 O box 879245 10000 950000 30589 23:11:02.68 39:41:34.0 23:13:31.33 39:31:56.2 O box 377659 544995 377389 528573 22:53:24.77 36:05:01.5 22:53:23.91 36:11:45.5 O box 437419 112046 437661 125852 22:55:22.36 39:02:43.0 22:55:22.99 38:57:03.4