# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 878464 10000 950000 36351 14:34:40.08 26:49:05.8 14:36:50.23 26:37:36.5 E box 978464 10000 950000 36351 14:37:43.75 26:48:06.4 14:36:50.23 26:37:36.5 E box 878482 10000 950000 36529 14:34:40.12 26:49:05.8 14:36:50.22 26:37:32.1 O box 878464 10000 950000 36351 14:34:40.08 26:49:05.8 14:36:50.23 26:37:36.5