# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 881299 10000 950000 30806 17:28:25.83 21:03:59.1 17:30:25.76 20:54:55.4 E box 529311 446366 517594 446221 17:18:05.76 18:06:30.2 17:17:45.54 18:06:34.4 O box 170595 253775 171303 234279 16:19:43.16 19:16:16.4 16:19:43.85 19:24:16.3 O box 879024 10000 950000 29200 17:28:21.83 21:04:00.0 17:30:25.82 20:55:34.9 O box 753586 149690 770599 149772 17:24:38.60 20:07:29.3 17:25:08.30 20:07:22.3 O box 677012 703119 677236 716731 17:22:17.13 16:20:56.2 17:22:17.34 16:15:21.4 O box 451871 553984 439534 554270 17:15:52.27 17:22:24.5 17:15:31.08 17:22:17.2 O box 678944 804881 667889 804766 17:22:19.13 15:39:13.1 17:22:00.31 15:39:18.0 O box 882000 10000 950000 24901 14:16:38.89 20:38:17.8 14:18:37.42 20:31:36.7