# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 881592 20711 922216 25710 10:16:39.47 14:36:36.9 10:17:48.17 14:34:20.0 E box 395391 527909 480273 621277 10:02:56.25 11:09:56.9 10:05:17.81 10:31:37.2 E box 495190 376525 551530 375813 10:05:43.63 12:11:57.8 10:07:18.14 12:12:10.7 E box 478569 662945 458986 663366 10:05:14.84 10:14:32.2 10:04:42.21 10:14:22.8 O box 883916 20195 924971 27627 10:16:43.42 14:36:48.8 10:17:52.79 14:33:31.9 O box 400153 533787 467551 610579 10:03:04.20 11:07:32.2 10:04:56.63 10:36:01.0 O box 493844 374446 562884 374686 10:05:41.38 12:12:49.0 10:07:37.20 12:12:37.2