# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 881420 20000 925000 25490 15:28:05.40 14:47:01.8 15:29:19.13 14:44:29.2 O cir 598050 321660 10000 15:20:01.23 12:44:41.1 251.7 O box 23000 20000 216950 23420 15:03:50.23 14:48:23.1 15:09:19.11 14:47:23.3 O box 878010 20000 925000 26920 15:27:59.62 14:47:03.1 15:29:19.09 14:43:54.0