# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 882301 21000 950000 30000 21:52:20.53 09:28:41.6 21:54:12.96 09:24:50.7 E box 425984 610226 410240 610582 21:39:44.79 05:27:19.1 21:39:18.86 05:27:09.4 O box 288849 251437 274676 251327 16:47:54.14 07:19:56.0 16:47:30.71 07:19:57.9 O box 882268 21000 950000 29000 21:52:20.47 09:28:41.6 21:54:12.97 09:25:15.3 O box 262392 471865 248968 472110 21:35:14.36 06:23:49.7 21:34:52.22 06:23:42.2 O box 290590 596055 274808 596957 21:36:01.71 05:32:57.4 21:35:35.72 05:32:33.6 O box 270947 276788 278815 267588 20:47:21.62 07:40:49.1 20:47:34.59 07:44:36.0