# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 882764 20501 924868 30900 00:16:09.77 03:41:54.3 00:17:18.98 03:37:40.0 O box 882526 20894 925486 33289 00:16:09.38 03:41:44.7 00:17:20.00 03:36:41.2 O box 617606 669079 604241 674453 00:32:59.64 -00:46:28.4 00:32:37.67 -00:48:38.5 O cir 334439 658847 24931 23:37:21.87 05:20:41.0 627.5