# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 875252 10000 950000 27176 11:52:01.54 02:37:35.5 11:54:04.25 02:30:34.2 E cir 732799 94249 33711 11:48:07.97 02:02:59.4 848.5 E cir 229119 473619 25296 11:34:22.92 -00:32:51.6 636.7 O box 875927 10000 950000 27987 11:52:02.65 02:37:35.5 11:54:04.25 02:30:14.2 O cir 730844 93592 37899 11:48:04.76 02:03:15.5 953.9