# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 881844 21000 950000 24500 21:04:22.41 03:25:33.8 21:06:14.28 03:23:58.4 E box 526924 483723 511360 484198 20:54:36.91 00:16:28.1 20:54:11.39 00:16:17.8 E cir 761750 477420 12500 20:36:51.30 00:18:33.6 314.6 O box 739598 686876 730029 687249 21:00:24.45 -01:07:09.2 21:00:08.76 -01:07:17.6 O box 449391 753183 462080 753103 20:52:28.15 -01:33:55.1 20:52:48.96 -01:33:54.2 O cir 684530 533980 12500 20:34:44.71 -00:04:37.9 314.6