# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E cir 902223 25704 1000 22:16:48.32 03:30:51.8 25.2 E box 877221 10000 950000 28202 22:16:07.33 03:37:19.9 22:18:06.79 03:29:46.8 E box 406825 622998 406933 644174 22:03:13.54 -00:33:45.1 22:03:13.67 -00:42:26.2 E box 494452 293452 549844 355117 22:05:38.03 01:41:21.9 22:07:08.75 01:16:03.0 E box 921158 10000 950000 950000 22:17:19.51 03:37:16.9 22:18:04.09 -02:48:02.2 E box 406529 623316 369452 624107 22:03:13.05 -00:33:52.9 22:02:12.24 -00:34:11.4 O cir 721750 709820 14500 20:35:45.89 -01:16:44.5 365.0 O box 880430 10000 950000 29509 22:16:12.60 03:37:19.7 22:18:06.78 03:29:14.6 O box 406740 622887 406740 637640 22:03:13.40 -00:33:42.4 22:03:13.37 -00:39:45.4 O box 315771 891623 315960 878472 22:00:43.51 -02:23:51.7 22:00:43.85 -02:18:28.2 O box 370061 708835 357575 708835 22:02:13.03 -01:08:56.2 22:01:52.55 -01:08:55.9 O box 406685 622578 388157 622491 22:03:13.31 -00:33:34.7 22:02:42.92 -00:33:32.1 O box 758179 856280 758295 844122 15:48:40.00 -02:56:27.6 15:48:40.13 -02:51:28.6