# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 900200 10000 950000 38500 13:52:03.69 -03:13:56.5 13:53:25.91 -03:25:26.9 E box 70143 411399 54818 411244 13:29:21.23 -05:59:59.2 13:28:55.97 -05:59:55.1 E box 419408 770599 406462 770452 13:38:59.08 -08:27:06.6 13:38:37.63 -08:27:04.0 E box 10000 10000 222568 25921 12:40:09.42 -03:20:47.3 12:45:58.23 -03:28:05.9 O box 896000 10000 950000 36500 13:51:56.80 -03:13:57.4 13:53:25.88 -03:24:37.6 O box 70575 411076 61889 411199 13:29:21.94 -05:59:51.3 13:29:07.62 -05:59:54.1 O box 880759 10000 950000 25053 13:03:58.85 -03:22:39.4 13:05:52.57 -03:28:50.3