# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 878504 10000 950000 25769 17:04:16.60 -02:59:14.1 17:06:14.01 -03:05:38.8 E box 664487 180010 664831 192129 16:58:25.36 -04:09:00.2 16:58:25.92 -04:13:58.3 E box 520778 161579 521612 181715 16:54:29.19 -04:01:23.6 16:54:30.50 -04:09:39.0 O box 882310 10000 950000 26614 17:04:22.85 -02:59:13.9 17:06:14.01 -03:05:59.6 O box 428287 461732 428449 451964 16:51:55.77 -06:04:24.1 16:51:56.08 -06:00:23.7 O box 664503 180318 664436 190890 16:58:25.39 -04:09:07.7 16:58:25.28 -04:13:27.8 O box 521630 160894 521861 180418 16:54:30.59 -04:01:06.8 16:54:30.91 -04:09:07.1