# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 881651 10000 950000 26554 05:28:06.77 -08:42:13.6 05:30:00.35 -08:48:49.0 E box 660360 594605 647541 594443 04:57:35.87 -12:36:41.6 04:57:14.33 -12:36:40.1 O box 491408 671037 491504 649649 05:17:17.49 -13:13:41.3 05:17:17.72 -13:04:55.0 O box 264605 638654 247191 638654 05:10:55.90 -12:59:56.8 05:10:26.59 -12:59:53.3 O box 229123 481614 215087 481215 05:09:58.53 -11:55:25.6 05:09:35.02 -11:55:12.7 O box 109231 28541 94118 28198 05:06:45.85 -08:49:11.3 05:06:20.79 -08:48:58.8 O box 504892 544663 491102 544512 05:17:40.55 -12:21:52.2 05:17:17.40 -12:21:47.9 O box 631384 780012 617721 780082 05:21:13.62 -13:58:23.2 05:20:50.53 -13:58:25.5 O box 658662 261304 645883 261657 04:57:28.70 -10:20:00.4 04:57:07.41 -10:20:11.4