# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 878114 10000 950000 28764 09:03:59.34 -09:12:19.7 09:05:59.02 -09:19:47.6 E box 162135 619161 186588 617222 08:44:00.46 -13:21:48.0 08:44:41.71 -13:21:06.5 E box 10000 10000 215647 30529 08:39:57.87 -09:11:16.5 08:45:39.12 -09:20:36.7 O box 879075 10000 950000 25969 09:04:00.94 -09:12:19.5 09:05:58.98 -09:18:38.8 O box 162309 619573 153319 617977 08:44:00.75 -13:21:58.2 08:43:45.62 -13:21:16.5