# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 881987 10000 950000 30231 10:16:22.78 -09:15:09.4 10:18:16.10 -09:23:10.9 E box 584998 425815 551324 425071 10:08:11.18 -12:06:23.9 10:07:14.70 -12:06:07.2 E box 388534 530488 375770 530548 10:02:41.21 -12:49:19.2 10:02:19.75 -12:49:19.8 O box 379121 720414 364339 720081 09:37:55.62 -14:06:18.3 09:37:30.63 -14:06:06.6 O box 865034 10000 950000 42740 10:15:54.62 -09:15:13.2 10:18:16.31 -09:28:18.8 O box 583434 426071 606890 425786 10:08:08.56 -12:06:30.3 10:08:47.90 -12:06:21.7 O box 388090 529946 366575 530039 10:02:40.47 -12:49:05.8 10:02:04.29 -12:49:06.6 O box 566051 492914 552312 493237 10:07:39.63 -12:33:56.1 10:07:16.55 -12:34:04.6 O box 513085 902603 501212 902971 10:06:11.14 -15:21:58.6 10:05:50.96 -15:22:07.8 O box 894281 452580 883270 452937 10:16:50.28 -12:16:32.9 10:16:31.81 -12:16:44.4