# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 884027 21000 950000 37100 21:28:42.54 -08:27:01.2 21:30:32.24 -08:33:16.5 E box 95348 475569 77691 475918 21:06:52.00 -11:34:37.7 21:06:22.45 -11:34:43.7 E box 353558 115732 336296 116015 20:49:57.42 -09:10:21.9 20:49:28.76 -09:10:27.2 O box 884236 21000 950000 35600 21:28:42.89 -08:27:01.1 21:30:32.21 -08:32:39.6 O box 658655 239822 641297 240945 21:22:31.82 -09:57:40.8 21:22:02.93 -09:58:11.7 O box 616909 697372 599731 687941 21:21:27.65 -13:05:27.4 21:20:58.63 -13:01:38.3 O box 368337 754254 354532 754591 21:14:29.26 -13:29:11.6 21:14:05.99 -13:29:20.2 O box 95540 475042 82115 474954 21:06:52.33 -11:34:24.8 21:06:29.86 -11:34:20.7 O box 354059 115243 353696 136981 20:49:58.26 -09:10:09.9 20:49:57.53 -09:19:04.8