# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 875733 10000 950000 29549 12:16:28.85 -15:17:40.6 12:18:35.77 -15:25:05.1 E box 755967 296811 737600 295984 12:13:12.44 -17:16:05.1 12:12:40.89 -17:15:51.3 O box 751939 290827 813988 285468 12:13:05.37 -17:13:39.3 12:14:51.72 -17:11:03.2 O box 233970 601594 234564 587802 11:58:13.20 -19:22:08.1 11:58:14.37 -19:16:28.8 O box 178875 641041 156457 640003 11:56:36.87 -19:38:09.5 11:55:57.86 -19:37:39.3