# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 884909 10000 950000 26270 12:40:55.57 -15:21:38.1 12:42:46.62 -15:27:57.7 E box 403221 137036 403344 113082 12:27:15.59 -16:14:23.6 12:27:16.04 -16:04:34.1 O box 880373 10000 950000 27938 12:40:47.85 -15:21:39.4 12:42:46.66 -15:28:38.8 O box 481839 89466 481933 110850 12:29:30.08 -15:55:01.2 12:29:30.13 -16:03:47.5 O box 402054 134448 401527 176795 12:27:13.62 -16:13:19.7 12:27:12.29 -16:30:41.8 O box 510186 773931 550490 823783 12:30:16.23 -20:35:50.0 12:31:26.82 -20:56:17.7