# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 883000 20000 950000 26500 14:41:05.88 -15:19:53.5 14:42:59.94 -15:22:12.0 E box 20000 20000 221000 24000 14:16:39.27 -15:18:32.4 14:22:20.79 -15:21:30.6 O box 20357 19122 218662 24483 13:52:36.17 -15:16:31.9 13:58:12.94 -15:20:27.3 O box 881000 20000 950000 25600 14:41:02.48 -15:19:54.1 14:42:59.92 -15:21:49.9 O box 924000 21000 879370 27000 13:05:58.51 -15:23:48.4 13:04:42.74 -15:26:30.9