# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 882878 21000 950000 32000 21:04:56.97 -14:25:54.8 21:06:50.94 -14:29:57.1 E box 812789 459199 799315 459130 21:03:08.96 -17:25:59.5 21:02:45.80 -17:26:02.6 O box 881601 21000 950000 32000 21:04:54.81 -14:25:55.3 21:06:50.94 -14:29:57.1 O box 811927 459153 792293 458958 21:03:07.48 -17:25:58.6 21:02:33.73 -17:26:00.8 O box 751985 841947 738956 841733 21:01:33.30 -20:03:16.3 21:01:10.55 -20:03:15.2 O box 882319 21000 950000 32000 20:41:05.76 -14:29:55.2 20:43:00.70 -14:33:54.6