# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 280989 571180 292951 570905 00:50:12.77 -24:16:19.0 00:50:34.29 -24:16:14.5 E box 878223 10000 950000 30836 01:07:44.93 -20:24:25.0 01:09:51.33 -20:32:17.4 O cir 421344 530835 14310 00:27:52.38 -24:03:54.2 360.2 O box 118974 239848 131911 240689 00:45:31.02 -21:59:36.3 00:45:53.87 -22:00:01.9 O box 579132 889354 583873 878904 23:20:21.86 -20:22:08.0 23:20:30.00 -20:17:50.1 O box 881202 10000 950000 26157 23:52:41.43 -14:15:29.2 23:54:38.15 -14:21:47.3 O box 879464 10000 950000 32211 01:07:47.10 -20:24:24.4 01:09:51.38 -20:32:51.2 O box 553280 694961 558247 684366 23:43:26.36 -18:57:09.2 23:43:34.97 -18:52:48.5