# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 378025 10000 402497 21919 05:12:13.78 -20:44:37.1 05:12:56.52 -20:49:34.7 E box 867481 10000 950000 30457 05:26:31.48 -20:43:43.0 05:28:56.85 -20:51:29.5 E box 853514 21064 853736 39739 05:26:07.31 -20:48:20.9 05:26:08.21 -20:56:00.4 E box 78314 261935 107966 261935 05:03:18.70 -22:26:01.9 05:04:11.29 -22:26:18.2 E box 631818 605810 621233 605981 05:19:43.98 -24:49:10.6 05:19:24.86 -24:49:16.2 O box 879781 10000 950000 24502 04:09:27.69 -20:39:01.0 04:11:31.16 -20:44:29.0 O box 863300 10000 950000 26364 05:26:24.15 -20:43:44.7 05:28:56.70 -20:49:48.8 O box 853086 22137 852983 33396 05:26:06.59 -20:48:47.4 05:26:06.72 -20:53:24.5 O box 585821 89292 572939 89036 05:18:18.26 -21:17:21.4 05:17:55.60 -21:17:15.9 O box 79236 262280 92803 262203 05:03:20.32 -22:26:10.9 05:03:44.39 -22:26:16.6 O box 479671 187677 480642 217296 03:31:35.21 -21:47:38.2 03:31:36.72 -21:59:47.1