# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 882831 10000 950000 27878 15:26:38.32 -21:02:29.6 15:28:37.09 -21:09:08.1 E box 24380 599912 49137 600083 15:01:10.19 -25:05:07.0 15:01:54.98 -25:05:24.0 O box 881293 10000 950000 28548 15:26:35.62 -21:02:30.5 15:28:37.13 -21:09:24.6 O box 24323 599812 38757 599310 15:01:10.09 -25:05:04.5 15:01:36.22 -25:04:59.8