# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 879987 10000 950000 25728 01:08:15.49 -26:22:49.2 01:10:24.48 -26:28:21.7 E box 291823 71690 313755 78785 00:50:18.76 -26:50:49.6 00:50:58.96 -26:53:48.0 E box 482375 477058 472981 467762 00:56:12.37 -29:37:16.9 00:55:54.57 -29:33:29.1 O box 343756 540140 359117 539926 23:59:47.05 -29:59:54.6 00:00:16.14 -29:59:55.6 O box 885036 10000 950000 27817 01:08:24.72 -26:22:45.5 01:10:24.61 -26:29:13.1 O box 292461 72062 314251 78196 00:50:19.93 -26:50:58.9 00:50:59.88 -26:53:33.6 O box 481910 477292 502079 478805 00:56:11.49 -29:37:22.7 00:56:49.55 -29:37:57.3 O box 326588 79226 325840 91742 23:23:26.15 -20:54:42.6 23:23:24.65 -20:59:50.4