# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 879670 10000 950000 26726 02:51:42.00 -26:25:42.0 02:53:51.63 -26:31:43.4 E box 709062 910934 716456 902511 02:46:59.70 -32:36:46.2 02:47:13.77 -32:33:15.6 O box 878074 10000 950000 26497 02:51:39.08 -26:25:43.1 02:53:51.62 -26:31:37.7 O box 226568 301577 237179 291647 02:31:39.10 -28:27:01.8 02:31:59.14 -28:23:01.1 O box 744844 258340 752610 266972 02:47:44.01 -28:08:48.6 02:47:58.76 -28:12:17.3