Over a Quarter Million Galaxies at the North Galactic Pole

J. E. Cabanela and R. M. Humphreys (U. Minnesota)

Summer 1998 AAS Meeting (San Diego, CA)
June 11, 1998


We have constructed a two-color catalog of galaxies found on the APS digitized scans of the POSS-I within 30 degrees of the North Galactic Pole (NGP). This is a complete sample of over 250,000 galaxies with major-axis diameters greater than 10". Evidence is presented to show that the major-axis diameters retrieved from the Minnesota Automated Plate Scanner (APS) are roughly isophotal down to an isophote of 23 magnitudes per square arcsecond. This machine built catalog is the largest catalog of galaxies with roughly isophotal diameters and provides an excellent sample for investigating the diameter function of galaxies. This survey in concert with other surveys in other bandpasses will provide critical information about the large-scale structure visible at the NGP.

Click on image for details

Click on the following links to read this poster.

Introduction: The APS North Galactic Pole Survey

Motivation for the Survey: APS Diameters

An Investigation of Internal Extinction in Other Galaxies

New Results using the APS diameters

These pages are a HTML version of the AAS Presentation by Juan Cabanela and Roberta Humphreys at the Summer 1998 American Astronomical Society Meeting in San Diego, CA.

© Copyright 1998 Juan Cabanela. All rights reserved. Materials on this site can not be republished without written permission of Juan Cabanela. Requests for information should be sent via email to Juan Cabanela/ [email protected].